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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rodolfo Arpia launches forodefotografos.com

Wedding photographer Rodolfo Arpía (Pasadena, CA, 626/487-0014, www.arpiaphoto.com) launched the online community Foro de Fotógrafos (www.forodefotografos.com) in October of 2007. The online forum geared towards wedding photography is conducted 100% in Spanish and membership is free.

In 10 short months since its creation, the forum consists of 900+ registered members from all over the United States, Latin America, Spain and many other countries where Spanish speaking photographers reside and conduct business.

45,000 posts distributed among a broad range of topics covering from technical aspects of photography to specific ones relevant to the community like Quinceañeras, create a place for photographers to learn and share from one another in a supportive and encouraging way.

A whole section covering topics for videographers was added by popular demand and due to the nature of the social event coverage characteristics of the Hispanic market in which is very common that the services of photography and videography are offered by the same studio.

Video tutorials, image posting for critique and inspiration, live video interviews and seminars, networking, and ultimately, passion for photography are some of the things that keep members visiting the forum on a daily basis.

Arpía, an Argentina native, runs his wedding photography studio in the greater Los Angeles area where he is very active in the Hispanic photographer's community. He will be a platform speaker at the Spanish Program in the WPPI 2009 convention.

1 comment:

prophotohub said...

Congrats rudy the site looks sweet.goodtimes


foro de fotografia