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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Mike Colón XI 4-day Intensive

The Mike Colón XI 4-day Intensive
05/18/09 to 05/21/09

Ok short and to the point!!
As some of you may know, I've known Mike Colón for many years now. I have been blessed to
shoot with him all over the world. Just to mention a few NYC, Aruba, Puerto Rico Paris,
Monaco, Italy, Tuscany, Florence, Miami Fl, West Palm Beach, Toronto Canada, Santa Barbara,
all over California.
Yes, there are a lot of workshops and seminars out there, many good ones, but few great ones.
To say his is one of the great ones would be an understatement.
At Mike's Workshop you will meet amazing people from all over the US and possibly abroad! You will build up the most incredible portfolio. Listen, I can just go on and on. I've come a long way and a lot of it has to do with me going to Mike's workshop many years ago. I promise you a lot
of the popular photographers you see out there, have gone through Mike Colón.

If there is a workshop you've been waiting for all year, look no further guys, this is it.
If you are ready to step up to the plate and soak up priceless knowledge the time is now. Everyone knows times are a bit tough now, but that is even more reason to attend! Mike is a marketing wizard and he will share his amazing tips with you during this workshop. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

There are only a few seats left so don't wait to long.
For more info click here

1 comment:

Gavin and Erin said...

Erin and I attended Mike's workshop this past December. After only starting our business 2 months prior, we knew that our sacrifice would undoubtedly be worth it!

To this day, Erin and I consider Mike's Intensive to be our launching point! The quality of our images changed by 1000% virtually OVERNIGHT thanks to Mike's teaching and patience. We doubled our prices the day we got back from Mike's workshop and have never looked back!

The environment is completely tailored towards learning; no question is too elementary, no person's voice goes unheard! I do warn you, however, once you attend Mike's workshop you will we spoiled for anything else! Mike, your workshops are worth their weight in GOLD. Erin and I could not be more thankful for what you have done for us both personally and professionally


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